What To Pack For A Ski Holiday 2024 – 13 Easy Tips

23rd March 2023

Tags: Ski Holidays 2024/2025

What To Pack For A Ski Holiday 2024

Packing for a ski holiday can be challenging, but with some careful planning, you can make sure you have everything you need. Here are some tips to help you pack for your ski trip:

When packing for a ski holiday, it’s important to pack the right gear and clothing to ensure that you stay warm and comfortable on the slopes. Start with the essentials, such as ski jackets, insulated ski trousers, underlayers, hats, gloves and thick socks.

Think about layering your clothing, this will help you stay warm but not too many layers that you become uncomfortable. Sun protection is also important, don’t forget to pack sunscreen with high SPF, sunglasses, and a hat or a beanie that covers your ears. Additionally, pack some comfortable clothes for après-ski, such as jumpers, jeans, and boots, as well as entertainment like books, cards, or board games. Snacks such as trail mix, energy bars, or jerky, are also handy to munch on during breaks.

Miscellaneous items like a waterproof phone case, lip balm, and a camera can also come in handy. By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared for your ski holiday and able to enjoy your time on the slopes to the fullest:

Firstly check with your travel agent or tour operator if a normal wheelie case is the best idea for your holiday, some ski chalets and hotel locations are situated in areas where you might have to carry your case. Wheelie cases slide nicely on the airport floor, but try dragging one in two feet of fresh snow!

Most airlines will allow one piece of hold luggage, normally 20kg but with some airlines only 15kg and one bag as a carry-on, the size of which can vary from airline to airline.  It’s a good idea to pack heavy items in your carry-on bag.

Check your case and/or your easy-to-carry bag

It is always best to pack more underwear and socks than you think you might need.


Be sure to pack all your ski gear, and use your ski helmet to wrap up any fragile items such as goggles and/or sunglasses. If possible, consider not packing your ski jacket or walking boots and instead wear these on the flight and save yourself some much-needed case space/weight, it is also likely to be cold when you arrive at your destination.  If your base layers are made with manmade fibres you’d better pack two pairs, one to wear and one to wash so you can rotate between them, you won’t be very popular with others in your chalet if you are smelly.

Make sure you have all your ski gear

Roll your clothes rather than folding them, you will be surprised how much more you can get in.  They won’t get as creased as you might think either.

Roll don’t fold

Ski boots take up a lot of your weight allowance, if both of your ski boots take you over the allowance why not pack one in your carry-on bag?  A rucksack is ideal as you may need one when skiing.

Pack a ski boot in a carry-on bag to save weight

Toiletries should be packed in leakproof containers, baggage handlers don’t know the meaning of ‘gentle’. You won’t want your shaving foam or shampoo leaking on your clothes.  Don’t forget to pack some painkillers in case you have any bumps, bruises or hangovers.  A few blister plasters for “ski boot foot” are also a good idea. Check with us when you book to see if your chalet or hotel includes complimentary toiletries, there is no point in taking your own if they are supplied free.  Don’t forget any liquids over 100ml must be checked into your hold luggage.

Toiletries can ruin your clothes

You won’t be needing much non-ski clothing, as you will be on the slopes all day, so bear this in mind, it’s unlikely that you will ‘really’ need more than one/two pairs of jeans or trousers, it’s better to save weight for extra ski base layers.

Don’t overpack non-ski clothes

We have already mentioned baggage handlers, they don’t care if it’s raining and your case is getting wet, you will be travelling in winter and the chances are it will be raining or snowing at your arrival airport, so it’s a good idea to wrap your clothes in plastic bags, reusable ones are available but failing that normal plastic bags will do, there is nothing worse than unpacking wet clothes on the first day of your holiday. The same bags can be used to pack any wet items on your way home, such as ski salopettes or ski socks.

Keep your clothes dry and keep the damp clothes wrapped

If your ski chalet or hotel has a sauna, hot tub or swimming pool you will need your swimming costume and if they don’t, it is always a good idea to take one anyway (especially if you are travelling with children) as most ski resorts have swimming pools in case you get a “no” ski day.

Swimming costume

Be sure to remember to pack your passports, travel insurance, a copy of your tour operator’s documents, and ski hire voucher if renting equipment. The first two in the list are obvious, but we think it’s essential to take a copy of your tour operator invoice, you’d be surprised how many times tour operators make mistakes, this could be something simple like forgetting to tell the airline that you paid for ski carriage or in extreme and rare cases that you have “actually” booked a holiday in the first place! It’s the same reason you should take your ski rental voucher. Of course credit cards are widely accepted in most ski resorts, you will still need a bit of cash. Don’t pay the extortionate rates offered at airports, plan ahead and order from the Post Office, maybe Marks and Spencer or online and shop around for the best rates before you travel.

Documents, insurance papers and currency

It’s vital that your computers and electrical devices have enough power to be switched on, new airport security measures could mean that your phone, computer, iPad, kindle or Camera can’t be turned on, and you may not be able to bring them on the flight with you.

Chargers and adapters

We’re always surprised to see skiers and boarders with sunburn, the combination of altitude and white snow is a lethal mix, make sure you have sun cream, even on a cloudy day the sun is very strong. Factor 8 won’t cut it on the ski slopes so make sure you are well protected from the sun!

Sun cream, lip balm

Sharing a chalet with friends often means you share a room, if you have ever shared a room with a snoring friend or partner you would give away your ski pass for a pair of earplugs!  If you are the group leader and you know some of the group snores, particularly after a drink, it might be an idea to pack some extras and avoid any sleepless nights.

Snoring roommate?

Tips On What to pack for a ski holiday Summary:

  • Check if a suitcase or an easy-to-carry bag is most suitable for your chalet or hotel
  • Underwear
  • Make sure you have all your ski gear
  • Roll don’t fold
  • Pack a ski boot in a carry-on bag to save weight
  • Toiletries can ruin your clothes
  • Don’t overpack non-ski clothes
  • Keep your clothes dry or keep the damp clothes wrapped
  • Swimming costume, won’t take up much room
  • Documents, insurance papers and currency
  • Don’t forget adapters for computers, phones etc. New security issues could affect you
  • Sun cream, lip balm
  • Snoring roommate

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For tips and advice on booking your next ski holiday, call our expert sales team on:

020 8313 3999