Ski Holiday Essentials: What Do You Pack?

16th May 2018

Tags: Ski Holidays 2024/2025

If you have a ski holiday lined up, it is likely that you are very excited. You’ll likely daydream about your time on the slope and how you will socialise on your trip. All of which means that even though it seems time is moving slowly before your holiday, you may overlook some of the important items. When you are looking to head off to the slopes, you need to know what to pack. Therefore, Ski Line is here to help you know what the ski holiday essentials.

Ski Holiday Essentials: What Do You Pack?

Unless you are an expert or very frequent skier, you don’t need your own skiing equipment. The clear majority of resorts offer a wide range of hire options if you don’t want the inconvenience of taking ski equipment on to a flight with you. These may be nice to have but they are far from essential.

Pack lots of socks and underwear

What is essential is a lot of underwear and socks. You may be fortunate enough to have washing and drying appliances where you are staying, but even so, you can go through a lot of underwear and socks when you are always on the go. From a day on the slopes to a night on the town, make sure that you have plenty of clothing essentials in your luggage.

You should also consider the fact that it is likely to be cold when you ski. Hopefully there will be some sun to make the trip a more pleasurable one but don’t forget that where there is snow, the temperature can be cold. Some long underwear or under-garments are likely to be of benefit when you go skiing. Being able to regulate your temperature consistently is important and base layers are always a clever idea when facing colder temperatures.

Don’t forget that UV rays are harmful to your skin

While you should prepare for chilly weather, you also need to make sure that your skin can stand up to the sun and UV rays. Yes, you can buy sun cream on holiday but it’s usually more expensive. Therefore, you can save money and ensure that you don’t forget by picking up some sun cream and lip balm before you head off on holiday.

Ski Holiday Essentials: What Do You Pack?

You also want to have some toiletries and medical products too. Again, you may be able to buy these when you arrive, but it is best to be prepared. Having shampoo, soap, shower gel, toothpaste, medicine and plasters will ensure that you can look, feel and smell good when you are skiing or socialising.

While you don’t need skiing equipment, you do need clothes that are suitable for skiing. Ski jacket and/or boots are essential. These can take up a lot of room in your luggage, so you may want to think about wearing them when you head to the airport. This may not be your most fashionable look on the plane, but you will be comfortable and if you are only taking hand luggage, you can be confident that you will have everything you need.

You’ll need to make sure that you have your necessary gadgets and chargers as well as the correct plug adapters. There is also a lot to be said for sticking in a few bags to help keep items waterproof and some clothes for socialising in.

At Ski Line, we help you find the best deals, but we also want to ensure you have a fantastic time on holiday. Therefore, we hope these tips will help you to pack successfully before your next skiing holiday.