Train Times

Your trip comprises two separate train journeys. The first is from London Saint Pancras to Lille Europe. The second, from Lille Europe to Bourg-Saint-Maurice, takes you directly to the snow. There are 4 stops at Chambery, Albertville, Moutiers and Aime la Plagne. Departs Saturday morning; returns to the UK Sunday afternoon


  • London Saint Pancras – Lille | 9:01am – 11:22am
    • Train change 30mins
  • Lille – Bourg-Saint-Maurice | 11:50am – 5:45pm


  • Bourg-Saint-Maurice – Lille 8:09am – 2:22pm
    • Train change 1hr 15mins
  • Lille – London Saint Pancras | 3:35pm – 3:57pm